Tuesday, May 24, 2011

random je ni. ^_^


hey! hey! hey. . . well it's thuesday. 12.40pm and I supposed to get downstairs for having lunch (& breakfast too!) . . tapi apesal tah aku dok lepak chill je kat dalam office padahal encink-encik cacing dalam perut pun dah mogok siap menari-nari shuffle tanpa henti tanda protes.

. . . well hari ni merupakan hari ke-9 aku kat FM Production . . . everything goes great! ade la dua tiga task dari encik Bos & superviser yang dah disiapkan. Semalam kena present proposal & idea, ALHAMDULILLAH they were impressed. ehehe :)

word to be shared :
In today's job market, having some knowledge of web design is extremely beneficial. Even if you are not a 'web designer' by trade, you will inevitably cross paths with online design at some point in your graphic design career. Lots of firms require a graphic designer for their daily needs such as designing advertisements, logos, banners, cards etc. -kaka kacak.
maknanya ape?
next task, kena rebranding FMP's website weh -_-"

ok lah nak pegi makan dak faris & kak Long dah membebel tak keruan sebab cacing dalam perut mereka tak begitu memahami. *merepek* ok bye!

have a nice day all the cumels.